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Friday, June 3, 2011

Improving Your AdWords Quality Score [article from Articleranks]

Improving Your AdWords Quality Score

If you want to drive a lot of targeted traffic to your website and want to increase the chances of your visitors becoming leads, customers or subscribers, then Google AdWords is the best way to go. In the following article we will be discussing how you can improve the Quality Score of your AdWords account so that you get the most out of your investment.People will hopefully learn more about Seonuking Review reading this.

Check Your Quality Score: First and foremost, you need to check your Quality Score to find out which of ads are rated well, and which aren't. You will thus gain a clear idea of what needs to be fixed and what you can do to fix it. It isn't rocket science, so understanding your Quality Score is easy and it only takes a moment to verify it. Another factor you need to check is the minimum bid because your campaign will benefit if the bid is low. It's clear that you would want all your keywords to get the go ahead in terms of Quality Score, making it highly important. A Quality Score that is really low will lead to a reduction of your clickthrough rate. The Score keeps changing according to how good the results of your ads are, which is why it needs to be checked all the time.

Work on Your Landing Pages: Since your Quality Score can be affected by the performance of your landing pages, it is imperative that you do everything you can to improve their results. First of all, make sure that the load times of your landing pages are minimal. You need to optimize the CSS code of your landing page and its images by removing calls to external sources as well as cleaning up your code and removing what is unnecessary. There's no reason for you to push things too far by taking your CSS and JavaScript code and compressing it.

Just try to keep the image file size down and minimize the external script calls. A tracking program such as Google Analytics is perfect to help you determine the bounce rate of your landing page. If you notice a higher bounce rate, then do see what you can do to bring it down by adding or subtracting various elements from your page.Therefore, make sure you browse the following, List Eruption Review, prior to you making an effective decision.

You Need a Good History: It is essentially that you are continuously working on improving your Quality Score because it's the only way to ensure that you are getting the most out of your AdWords campaign. Calculating your Quality Score requires Google to analyze the historical data in your AdWords account. So, you need to make sure that your account looks good and has a nice history. In the long run, this will benefit you better than the others who have their accounts messed up or are simply using a new account. This simply proves that it pays to be patient when it comes to AdWords. Getting a high AdWords Quality Score is simple as long as you make sure you are acting correctly and at the right moment. However, it will take a while to get your Quality Score up and enjoy the advantages if you are only just beginning. You will find, in time, that a really good Quality Score will be more than enough to help you generate great, relevant traffic that converts easily as well.These tips can help you broaden your understanding on subjects such as IM Mentors.

tags:cpa,cpa advertising,cpa approval,internet marketing

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